2021 Hoya Professional 30 Highlights SCS Students Living Out Jesuit Values

This year’s winners of the SCS Hoya Professional 30 reflect on how the Jesuit value of being “People for Others” has shaped their Georgetown experience and their professional lives.

Since its inception in 2015, the Hoya Professional 30 has become a celebrated and much-anticipated annual milestone in the life of SCS. The awards are given to 30 students at the School, representing a diversity of programs, professional experience, and future ambitions. In addition to the well-deserved recognition for some exemplary students, this process is an important mission opportunity to promote the Spirit of Georgetown, the characteristics and values of the Jesuit tradition that animate our work and study at SCS.

Which Jesuit value resonates most with you and why?

By asking each award winner to answer this question in their own words, the Hoya Professional 30 provides concrete examples of the Jesuit values in action. I feel pride each year listening to how these students express the many ways that they have interiorized Jesuit mission and values through their Georgetown SCS education and then put them into action as part of their professional development. The entire support network at SCS of faculty, staff, and community partners should share in this pride because the education we deliver at SCS is a shared project.

This year’s awardees reflected in a focused way on how much the social justice challenges facing our university, communities, and world inspires their way of proceeding. Karensa Thomas, for example, a student in the Master of Professional Studies in Cybersecurity Risk Management program, is motivated by the value of Community in Diversity:

“I believe in ‘Community in Diversity.’ Exemplifying support for diversity, trust, and equal rights during these unprecedented times is critical for rebuilding and healing our nation. As a trusted leader at Georgetown University and in the community, church, and the United States Armed Forces, I will continue to create diverse teams founded upon honor, inclusion, and trust.”

Morgan Payne, a master of professional studies student in the Integrated Marketing Communications program, picks up on this value as well as others, like People for Others and Faith that Does Justice:

“While much of my work promotes the need for diversity and undisputed benefits of unique representation, it is impossible to ignore the need for us to be ‘People for Others’ and be accepting and supporting of each other. Also with this, of course, comes the need for faith and justice. As a Black woman working in social and racial justice in a time of civil unrest, these values are at the forefront of everything that I do. When developing communications, marketing and strategy for clients, these values often serve as a north star for where we all should be looking to evolve towards as we chart the path to a better future.”

This week’s virtual recognition ceremony was an opportunity to learn more about the awardees. You can watch a recording here

The many inspiring examples of their public leadership and the ways that a Georgetown education has inspired the professional journeys of these students calls to mind the critical importance of action in the paradigm of Jesuit teaching style known as Ignatian Pedagogy. The Jesuit educational tradition at Georgetown, which arises from Jesuit spirituality, is always oriented to making discerned choices about how to serve justice and the common good in one’s unique circumstances. The stage of “action” in the Jesuit learning cycle, which follows the stage of reflection, is meant to inspire generous responses to a world in need: “It is hoped that real education will lead the student to take actions, large and small, to make the world a better place for all, and particularly those most in need.” This year’s awardees are already making the world a better place.

You can watch the SCS virtual award recognition here

You can read more about each of the 2021 awardees here