Georgetown more than welcomes different faith traditions to practice at the University; it invites these communities to flourish with the support of a chaplaincy director and staff from Campus Ministry. This longstanding commitment to interreligious dialogue and multifaith chaplaincy is a characteristic feature of how Georgetown lives out its mission. As Rabbi Rachel Gartner, SCS Senior Advisor for Pastoral Care, laid out in a previous post: “In the context of diversity, community that invites authenticity doesn’t just happen. It has to be carefully constructed.” At Georgetown, Muslim Life is a carefully constructed community under the care of Imam Yahya Hendi, who has been leading Georgetown Muslims for over two decades of service.
A few weeks ago, the English Language Center (ELC) at SCS hosted a special “Pizza with the Imam” lunch. Primarily intended as a space for Muslim students, this casual lunch provided a welcome opportunity to connect with Imam Hendi over food in a comfortable communal setting between classes. Students asked questions and the Imam was generous in providing his perspective to the students, most who are new to education in the United States and navigating cultural and religious differences as they go about their study. Imam’s partnership with SCS and ELC has been invaluable over the years and has included leading dedicated Muslim prayer for SCS students. Muslim Life at Georgetown offers an array of spiritual programming for students, faculty, and staff and all are encouraged to participate.
In this season of Ramadan, a time of profound dedication for Muslims around the world, it is fitting that Muslim Life at Georgetown celebrated a major milestone this week that affirms the contribution that this community makes to the university. With President DeGioia and a host of other university officials on hand, Georgetown dedicated a new Masjid on the Hilltop that honors Yarrow Mamout, a devout West African Muslim, tradesman, and homeowner in the neighborhood of Georgetown, who achieved his freedom in 1796 at the age of 60, after 44 years of enslavement in Maryland. The beautiful new worship space speaks to the vibrancy of this religious community and the continuing need to attend to the needs of Muslims across Georgetown campuses.
I wish “Ramadan Kareem” to all Muslims at SCS and across the university.
For more information about Muslim Life at Georgetown, please visit the Campus Ministry homepage. To sign up for the Muslim Life weekly newsletter, or any of the other religious life newsletters at Georgetown, please complete the chaplaincy newsletter form.