This Summer: Learning to Pray

Last summer, I offered a suggestion for “spiritual reading” as a way to grow in self-discovery during months of public health restrictions. My intention was to provide some insights about how the act of slow, sacred reading – both literal texts and the texts of our experience (like nature) – can be spiritually rejuvenating in a context that limited travel and social interaction. 

In a similar spirit, this summer, as the easing of pandemic limitations continue, I invite you to consider the practice of prayer as an opportunity to grow interiorly. Summertime, typically filled with pockets of rest and relaxation, is an opportune setting to develop healthy interior practices. I am aided in this effort by a new book from popular Jesuit spiritual writer Fr. James Martin, S.J., whose Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone presents valuable insights about a concept and a practice that is too often misunderstood. 

This week, Mission in Motion explores the often misunderstood practice of prayer by taking a closer look at popular Jesuit writer Fr. James Martin’s new book on the topic. 

Given the variance in understanding of this topic, Fr. Martin has to first define the subject matter and articulate the intended audience for his writing. Thankfully, Martin’s conclusions to these points, which are largely steeped in his Catholic understanding as a Jesuit priest and spiritual director, affirm that persons of diverse spiritualities and faith understandings can benefit from his practical, experience-oriented approach to praying. In terms of audience, Fr. Martin has a large community in mind: 

Learning to Pray is written for everyone from the doubter to the devout, from the seeker to the believer. It’s an invitation for people who have never prayed. It’s designed for people who would like to pray, but are worried they’ll do it the wrong way. It’s meant for people who have prayed and haven’t found it [as] satisfying as they had hoped. It’s also aimed at people who might be afraid of prayer (9).”

Martin goes on to say that the book is “meant for people of all faith traditions and none” and uses language purposefully familiar to the general public for this reason. This is an important point because it anticipates skepticism about prayer from people who might be agnostic in their theological beliefs or who might object to the project in the first place because of bad prayer experiences or their own resistance to religious traditions. 

Another challenge for the book and for any effort to encourage a practice of prayer is definition. Fr. Martin brings together multiple strands of spiritual history from different thinkers in defining prayer through these common elements: 

  • A Raising of the Mind and Heart to God
  • A Surge of the Heart
  • A Sharing Between Friends
  • A Long, Loving Look at the Real
  • A Personal Relationship 
  • Conscious Conversation 

In this effort at definition, there is a recognition of a multiplicity of approaches and language differences, but Fr. Martin emphasizes that what matters more than precise language is the actual, personal experience during prayer: “As with love, learning to practice it is more important than knowing the right definition.” The book goes on to describe in accessible details various ways of praying, including the examen, the well-known Jesuit practice of prayer offered each Friday at 12:00 p.m. ET as part of the SCS Digital Daily Meditations (sign up here). 

The book offers a wealth of helpful suggestions about developing a regular prayer habit. Along the way, Fr. Martin relies on his own experience as a spiritual director to point out some of the more common misgivings, challenges, and misunderstandings about how to pray that he has heard from persons attempting to pray. As a spiritual director, I identified with several of these points, including a confusion about what is supposed to “happen” in prayer and the common reason that people do not pray because they “consider prayer something reserved for holy people, not them.” If you find yourself in these categories and do not believe that a practice of prayer is worth considering, you might find consolation in Fr. Martin’s point that “God’s love does not rely on us and what we do.” 

As we continue to move through summer and transition into more and more “regular” social activities, I encourage you to take a look at this book. In addition to specific spirituality programs offered at SCS, like daily meditation and regular retreats, Georgetown’s Campus Ministry programs a diverse range of activities intended to foster a deeper life of personal and communal prayer. If you are a member of the SCS community and would like to explore your life of prayer, please reach out to me, Jamie Kralovec, SCS Associate Director for Mission Integration, at

For more on Fr. James Martin, S.J., please check out his Facebook and Twitter pages. Some of Fr. Martin’s recent events at Georgetown might be of interest, including: “Writing As Spiritual Practice” and “Building a Bridge: Welcoming the LGBT Catholic with Justice.” 

Students in Summer College Immersion Program Experience Reflection in the Jesuit Tradition

Georgetown’s School of Continuing Studies is busy in the summertime, managing a range of special programs and courses for learners of differing age levels. High school students, for example, greatly benefit from the summer offerings by directly experiencing a Georgetown education and gaining valuable insights about college life. Such an experience can profoundly shape how a pre-college student prepares for the next steps in their learning journey. The value of pre-college preparation steeped in Georgetown’s whole person commitment to academic excellence and the Jesuit tradition of education is clearly at work in the Summer College Immersion Program.  

Mission in Motion has previously written about SCIP, a three-week college program for rising high school seniors from the Cristo Rey Network, KIPP Foundation, and other select school systems, networks, and community organizations. At its core, SCIP is designed “for high-achieving students with aspirations to apply to the most selective colleges and universities” and provides “a transformational learning experience and an introduction to college life.” The program does this in three intensive weeks through class sessions with Georgetown faculty, group discussions, personal mentoring, and seminars and workshops. In addition to learning content, SCIP students acquire critical skills needed to navigate the college application process. Students even experience a mock interview with Georgetown faculty and staff that simulates this significant milestone in the college admissions experience (read more about the SCIP mock interview process). 

One of the core learning objectives of SCIP is for students to prepare their own personal statements through analysis and description of the multifaceted components of their identities. This journey of self-discovery through a transformational education experience makes SCIP such an invaluable mission-aligned program at Georgetown. This week and next, I will be helping students in this task of growing in deeper awareness of their identities by providing tools, resources, and practices of reflection grounded in the Jesuit tradition. 

Students are learning and directly experiencing the examen, a practice of self-reflection that helps one notice the deeper significance of the details of one’s day. During this week’s reflection sessions I invited the students to pause and spend some time in silence noticing all of the emotions that arose for them as a result of the program experience. Students were then invited to share three words in the chat that accurately described the major emotions that came to the surface after five minutes of silence. The exercise revealed that students were feeling a mix of emotions at the start of week two, with “excitement” and “energized” balanced with “anticipation” and “uncertainty.” 

By naming emotions in this way, these sessions help students grow in deeper awareness of how SCIP is inviting them into transformation. Future reflection sessions will build on this foundation and explore the meaning of Georgetown’s mission and how students, regardless of their religious identity or spiritual practices, can find ways in a Jesuit education to lead lives of meaning, purpose, and belonging.

Desire to Develop as an Ethical Leader? Some Suggestions for Your Journey

In my mission integration role at SCS, I am often invited by faculty members across professional disciplines to amplify the University’s mission by presenting some material related to the Spirit of Georgetown in a way that is tailored to the course’s unique learning objectives. This week, I dropped into Ethics in Urban Planning and offered a Jesuit-inspired framework for knowledge, skills, and values in the area of ethical leadership. It was an engaging session that flowed in three movements: the foundational concepts of ethical leadership, an applied case study demonstrating these principles, and suggestions for personal practices that might develop ethical leadership capacity. Grounded in the Jesuits’ spirituality and philosophy of education but offered in a way that is inclusive of spiritual diversity, the concluding segment of the session provoked critical reflection about how spirituality might relate to ethical leadership. 

There are many ways into this conversation about how Jesuit spirituality and education relates to ethics and to leadership. I rely on ideas presented by Chris Lowney, a leadership expert in the Jesuit tradition, whose book, Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company that Changed the World, offers an Ignatian style of leadership that embraces self-awareness, ingenuity, love, and heroism. 

Lowney contests traditional understandings of leadership theory grounded in competency models of what leaders need to acquire in terms of technical skills in order to be effective. While technical skills are important, the Jesuit tradition of leadership emphasizes interior self-development and the development of what many would call “soft skills” like emotional attentiveness, self-reflection, an attitude of gratitude, and a determination to care for others. This perspective on leadership emphasizes that: 

  • everyone has the opportunity to lead (not only those at the top of the organizational chart); 
  • leadership springs from interior self-knowledge (not just from actions); 
  • leadership is a way of living and not just single tasks; and 
  • leadership is an ongoing process of discovery of self and self with others.

An important takeaway of this model is that the exercise of ethical leadership depends upon taking regular time for quiet reflection in a way that facilitates greater self-awareness. Contrary to assumptions, regular silence in the form of meditation or prayer do not foster inaction and passivity in the face of pressing responsibilities but actually encourage more generous and ethical action in the world. Leaders grounded in self-awareness, cultivated by practices like the examen, are more likely to make meaningful contributions to social justice and the common good. And consistent with the Spirit of Georgetown value of Contemplation in Action, busy professionals, like the students at SCS, need this time for contemplation even more. 

One hope of a Jesuit education is that students come to realize more and more that their educations are not for themselves alone but also for others. Ethical leadership in the Jesuit tradition makes clear that one’s development as an ethical leader is not just about avoiding mistakes or bad decisions but about growing in habits of discernment about how one is called to use one’s gifts and talents in service of others, especially the most vulnerable members of society. I invite you to take this summer to reflect on these questions as they relate to your growth as an ethical leader: 

  • What are the gifts and talents that you bring to leadership? 
  • What are the values that matter most to you and why? In other words, what do you consider to be your “North Star” guiding principles for leading in the world? 
  • How are you working to translate these values into action? How are you bringing your leadership values to your work at home, in the community, at the workplace, and in the larger world?

Georgetown’s Jesuit Values Guide the Institute for Transformational Leadership

Early in the pandemic, Mission in Motion reflected on popular articles that examined the qualities of Jesuit education that contribute to the formation of ethical and reflective leaders working in every sector of society.  The Jesuit approach to education tends to produce effective leaders because of the framework’s embrace of self-awareness, ingenuity, love, and heroism, according to Jesuit leadership expert Chris Lowney. Jesuit educated leaders are often considered “servant leaders,” or those who work against the traditional model of power accumulation and focus instead on the development and wellness of the people and communities in which they exercise leadership.  There has been a growing discussion about this relationship between leadership and Jesuit spirituality and pedagogy, leading to global efforts like the Jesuits’ recently created Program for Discerning Leadership.

This week Mission in Motion calls attention to the relationship between Jesuit values and leadership development with a special focus on Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership.

This week we call attention to the work of Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership (ITL), a first-of-its-kind institute that develops and sustains worldwide communities of leaders and coaches. Housed at the School of Continuing Studies, ITL’s approach to this work is anchored in the values of the Spirit of Georgetown and demonstrates Jesuit leadership principles in action.

ITL offers a range of certificates, programs, workshops, and special events dedicated to awakening, engaging, and supporting the leadership required in today’s world to create a more sustainable and compassionate future. A quick glance at ITL programs illustrates how clearly mission and values guide the Institute. With programs in Facilitation; Health & Wellness Coaching; Leadership Coaching; Organizational Consulting & Change Leadership; and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, ITL is providing students with experiential learning opportunities geared toward helping leaders understand the context of a complex and challenged world.

The Executive Certificate in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion is a prime example of how ITL is helping address issues of social justice through its transformative education. A recent SCS web story, “Program Promotes Equity and Belonging in the Workplace,” captures the spirit of the program and the way that it moves beyond a narrow conception of competency in DEI. More than preparing leaders to offer “stand-alone solutions” to the persisting challenges of realizing inclusion in workplaces, the program attends to both the larger structural dynamics impacting DEI as well as the self-knowledge needed to lead in this area. Program instructor Maria Kelts describes the approach in this way:

“The course is experiential in nature and is built on the foundation of understanding oneself through the identities one holds and acknowledging oneself as a change agent. Knowing how you walk through the world allows you to more effectively analyze, diagnose, and address DEI issues in the workplace and beyond.”

Aligned with a Jesuit stance on leadership development, ITL makes interior development and the contribution of spirituality a focus of its programming. This commitment to the interior lives of leaders, which is one of many leadership principles that animate ITL’s approach, aligns well with the Educating the Whole Person value at the heart of the Spirit of Georgetown. By including interiority in the curriculum, ITL reinforces a powerful lesson that generous doing or action in the world ultimately flows from a generous sense of self or being. In the midst of increased social and political polarization, a focus on the inner work of social transformation is critical.

If you want to learn more, please visit:

A Prayer for Hope on Juneteenth

This week we honor Juneteenth, a day of celebration to commemorate emancipation and the end of slavery in the United States. While this holiday offers a welcome opportunity to celebrate that particular historical event of independence, Juneteenth also presents a challenge to confront the enduring legacy of slavery in America and how it continues to manifest in our social structures. More than a distant memory, the spirit of Juneteenth has the potential to energize our ongoing work at Georgetown to grapple with the institution’s own history of enslavement in order to realize in the present day more justice and more equity in our community.

The AJCU Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Conference focused this week on the work of racial justice in the mission of Jesuit higher education. The conversation surfaced many reflections that are relevant to the celebration of Juneteenth.

Juneteenth takes place in the midst of the AJCU Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Conference, a series of virtual programs intended to draw attention to the ways we are called to deepen a commitment to social justice in our schools. The conference featured a plenary session and a live question and response this week on “Racial Justice and the Mission of Jesuit Higher Education.” Many things shimmered in these discussions about racial justice in Jesuit higher education, but one image stood out for me as it relates to Juneteenth. Dr. Yohuru Williams, distinguished university chair and professor of history and founding director of the Racial Justice Initiative at the University of St. Thomas, called attention to the longitudinal work of racial justice. Racial justice efforts on our campuses will not succeed if they are temporary and they will not succeed, said Dr. Williams, if they only focus on “massive change.” Instead, he advised, we need to also focus on the capacity and potential of individuals to make change in their own lives.

The panel and Dr. Williams’ comments reminded me of a reflection written last summer by the Jesuit Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J.: “Juneteenth: A Day of Hope.” In this piece, Saint-Jean articulates the need for transformation of individuals as well as entire systems. The key ingredient in the work, for Saint-Jean, is hope:

“As a Black man in America, I see hope as the biggest weapon that I can use to fight against systemic racism. When I wake to go jogging, go to the store, drive to school, hope is the only faith that helps me make it through. I have to hope that I will make it back home each day. As a Black body, hope gives me resilience to continue despite every dehumanizing structure oppressing and suffocating me.”

Saint-Jean links this hope to a living spirituality. He invites us to a deeper moment:

“[Of the] divine timing for us to live with the audacity of hope in the midst of the chaos. This is a time that calls us to enter into a meditative conversation with themselves [sic] and uncover the unconscious biases that keep us from moving to a place of spiritual conversion, a metanoia. … Today, Juneteenth is more than a date. It is a place of hope for the Black community. … Juneteenth is like the resurrection.” 

The Jesuit Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J., contributed a reflection on hope and Juneteenth. You can learn more about the connection between racial justice and the spirituality of the Jesuits by reading Patrick’s new book.

We are fortunate in the Jesuit network that Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J., has recently written “The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice: A Month of Meditations with Ignatius of Loyola.” This is a helpful and necessary new resource for reflecting on the work of racial justice through the lens of the Ignatian spirituality that animates our Jesuit campuses. I hope that this Juneteenth holiday provides space to reflect on how personal and collective hope can sustain the difficult work of addressing the wounds of racial injustice and struggling together toward the full promise of freedom.

2021 AJCU Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Begins, Confronts Ongoing and Urgent Challenges Too Long Deferred

This week kicked off the 2021 AJCU Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Conference, a virtual gathering hosted by Georgetown and taking place throughout the month of June that will focus on racial justice, immigration justice, environmental justice, faith and justice, and women’s leadership and justice in light of the Jesuits’ four Universal Apostolic Preferences. Mission in Motion recently reflected on how this conference fits into the larger context of the history of social justice education in Jesuit colleges and universities. The opening sessions of the first week affirmed this longstanding tradition and also invited participants to update the resources of Catholic and Jesuit education to meet the pressing challenges of today. Two of the conference’s opening session presenters captured the spirit of this challenge with their open-ended questions:

Robert Kelly of Loyola University Maryland helped kick off the 2021 AJCU Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Conference with a passionate charge to practice democracy and resist ideology.
  • Robert Kelly, Ph.D., Vice President and Special Assistant to the President of Loyola University Maryland, asked: “This time calls us to look at ourselves and our institutions and our students to see ways in which we’ve evolved, and need to evolve moving forward. What does that evolution look like?”
  • Fr. Arturo Sosa, S.J., Superior General of the Society of Jesus, asked: “The pandemic has struck us all, it has knocked us all down. Which of our plans will change? How can we better accompany the young as they build a future of hope?”

So many first week images stand out from the presentations and the live Zoom questions and responses, but one particular image surfaced for me most prominently. “Deferred maintenance” is a concept that Robert Kelly used to compare the situation of addressing pressing, no-longer-avoidable physical infrastructure needs on an aging campus with addressing persisting issues of injustice, particularly around racial equity and inclusion, that cannot be delayed any longer.

The task for all involved in Jesuit higher education is to confront the reality of racism and other pressing issues of social injustice present on campuses by engaging, according to Margaret Freije, Ph.D., Provost and Dean of College of the Holy Cross, both contemplatively and critically in this work. Taking meaningful action in response to these challenges from out of a stance of deep discernment is a hallmark of Jesuit spirituality and education. A more hope-filled future, one that is demanded by students, staff, and faculty who do not always feel welcome on Jesuit campuses including LGBTQ+, first generation students, and people of color, demands a perspective that brings together the contemplative and the critical.

Fr. Arturo Sosa, S.J, Superior General of the Jesuits, used the metaphor of building a new city that inspires hope and welcomes all those marginalized throughout the world.

Another image that resonated this week was cura propria, or personal care and wellness, an addition to the familiar Jesuit lexicon of cura personalis and cura apostolica. Debra Mooney, Ph.D., Vice President for Mission and Identity at Xavier University, introduced this newly minted Ignatian virtue in the context of the ongoing psychological pandemic. Citing the alarmingly high rates of mental health struggles on campuses, Mooney offered that Jesuit educators and students of Jesuit schools need to take care of ourselves – body, mind, and spirit – if we are to address the questions of injustice that haunt us today. Mooney then pointed to the resources of Ignatian spirituality, particularly the Examen as a healthy habit of identifying gratitude, as a way to maintain personal care and wellness in times that will continually challenge our personal and collective resolve.

Fr. Tom Smolich, S.J., International Director of the Jesuit Refugee Service, offered an extended reflection on the speech of prior Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas about the challenges posed by two –isms: aggressive secularism and fundamentalism. Jesuit schools need to discern how to make service of faith an integral component of their commitment to justice. This means taking seriously the critical questions of faith that are presented by the Catholic, Jesuit intellectual tradition. Doing so and encouraging campus communities to embrace Jesuit mission requires discernment, said Smolich, or “decision-making about the mission where the perspectives of each person and the values of the institution are brought together to find the way forward, guided by the Spirit.”

There was so much more to explore in this week’s events. Gratefully, this year’s conference materials will be preserved as digital resources, including recorded poster presentations from across the Jesuit network of schools. You can still sign up for two more weeks of events by visiting the registration page.

Want to Flourish? Savor the Small Gifts of Each Day

Last month, Mission in Motion reflected on an article in the New York Times about the concept of languishing and its relevance to the Ignatian spiritual practice of the Examen of consciousness. The suggested antidote to the “blah” you may be feeling during the pandemic was a regular practice of creating uninterrupted interior space to reflect on moments of consolation, or effortless experiences of deep joy, in your daily life. The Examen, which we practice as an SCS community every Friday at 12 p.m. ET (register for SCS daily digital meditation), is an excellent way to notice the movements of consolation and desolation in your life. A regular habit of naming gratitude, even when gratitude seems difficult to name, ultimately leads to greater generosity, a sense of belonging, and a feeling of purpose. Healthy habits of self-reflection and a deepening awareness of one’s deeper purpose are at the heart of a Georgetown education, enshrined both in the Spirit of Georgetown and Campus Ministry whose mission is to help our community members “lead lives of deeper meaning, belonging, and purpose.”

SCS Dean Kelly Otter poses for a photo with graduate Daria Fish at last week’s Commencement in Nationals Stadium. This week’s Mission in Motion engages with the concept of “flourishing” and how savoring daily gifts, through the Ignatian Examen or other practices, can help us flourish.

Having celebrated the 2021 Commencement and now continuing into the summer and more pandemic-related transitions in daily life, I want to focus on another NYT piece about flourishing, the flip side of languishing. Dani Blum’s article, “The Other Side of Languishing Is Flourishing. Here’s How to Get There,” lays out a compelling set of suggestions about how to get closer to flourishing, or what Tyler VanderWeele, director of Harvard’s Human Flourishing Program, calls “what people are ultimately after … it’s living the good life. We usually think about flourishing as living in a state in which all aspects of a person’s life are good – it’s really an all-encompassing notion.”

Grounded in scientific evidence, Blum’s outline of flourishing-inducing activities resonates deeply with the wisdom of Ignatian spirituality. These suggestions include:

  • Assess yourself
  • Savor and celebrate small things
  • Try “Sunday dinner gratitude”
  • Do five good deeds
  • Look for communities and connection
  • Find purpose in everyday routines
  • Try something new

Each of these ideas could easily be located within the tradition of Ignatian spirituality or any of the many other spiritual, religious, and humanistic traditions expressed and practiced at Georgetown. I want to focus, in particular, on the notion of “savoring” and celebrating small things as a way to flourishing.

Blum expands upon the idea of savoring by linking it to celebration and the acknowledgment of small moments:

“It’s not just the big occasions that should be marked. Acknowledging small moments is also important for well-being, research shows. Psychologists call it ‘savoring.’ Savoring is about appreciating an event or activity in the moment, sharing tiny victories and noticing the good things around you.”

A practical example of this savoring, according to Blum, is a study of how college students were overall more appreciative after taking five photos of their everyday lives for two weeks and then reflecting on the photos – favorite books, friends, campus experiences – and the small moments that elicited joy in their lives. This invitation to enter into deeper joy by engaging with the everyday data of experience is at the foundation of the Spiritual Exercises, a prayer guide designed by St. Ignatius of Loyola that animates the spirituality of the Jesuits.

Early in the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius invites the retreatant to appreciate the various levels of how human beings encounter and know God in their lives and in the world. Ignatius writes: “For it is not much knowledge but the inner feeling and relish of things that fills and satisfies the soul.” The point Ignatius is making is that through the affections, or emotions, one is able to, according to Michael Ivens, S.J., noted commentator on the Spiritual Exercises, penetrate “beyond the immediately obvious to the ‘inner’ experience of meaning of the person or truth known.” The habit of relishing graces or gifts, fully savoring them both intellectually and emotionally, can help root ourselves in gratitude and protect ourselves against inevitable periods of desolation or languishing. In the small moments of our daily lives, we are invited to comb through, savor, and journey deeper into the mystery of who we are and how God may be at work in your life. 

Curious? Here are some suggestions for your journey to greater flourishing:

  • Please consider participating in the SCS Daily Digital Meditation offered Monday through Friday at 12 p.m. ET over Zoom (register for SCS daily digital meditation). The final meditation of each week, on Friday, is a guided Examen for 10-15 minutes inviting participants in silence to review their experiences of the past week. Please join us!
  • Reach out to explore how spiritual practices like the Examen and other forms of prayer and meditation facilitated by the chaplains and staff of Georgetown’s Campus Ministry can help you flourish. Send an email to Jamie Kralovec, SCS Associate Director for Mission Integration, to set up an initial conversation.

SCS Tropaia Ceremony Reflects Adaptability, Resilience and Honors Exemplary Service

SCS Dean Kelly Otter and Reverend Ebony Grisom, Interim Director of Protestant Christian Ministry at Georgetown, welcomed virtual guests to this year’s SCS Tropaia Ceremony. You can watch the recording here

Recently, Mission in Motion focused on the Hoya Professional 30 as a cherished annual milestone in the life of the School of Continuing Studies. Tropaia, a yearly ceremony that honors the outstanding contributions and accomplishments of members of the SCS community, is another ceremonial mark on the calendar that invites us to celebrate together and reflect on the deeper purpose of a Georgetown education (you can view a recording of the event).

Typically hosted in historic Gaston Hall, the pandemic made this year’s Tropaia Ceremony a virtual event. But SCS Dean Kelly Otter, noting that this virtual setting is not what we traditionally envision for the celebration, lifted up how an online ceremony helps us appreciate the extraordinary ways that students, faculty, and staff have cultivated habits of leadership, excellence, and mutual support during the pandemic.

Reverend Ebony Grisom, Interim Director of Protestant Christian Ministry, provided a sacred introduction to the proceedings. Rev. Grisom affirmed that, despite the challenges of this past academic year, there is joy in the journey. She called upon the many diverse ways that our community names God and reminded us that we all share deeply in the mission that animates the Spirit of Georgetown. Our students, faculty, and staff, Rev. Grisom remarked, show consistent commitment to serve their diverse communities with compassion and respect, goodness, justice, and love. This prayerful context expanded a sense of gratitude about how the night’s honorees have exemplified the leadership that the world needs now more than ever before.

One of the signature honors presented at Tropaia is the Spirit of Georgetown Award, which is given to a graduating student, alumna, or alumnus who exemplifies Georgetown’s Jesuit values of people in service to others, commitment to justice and the common good, intellectual openness, and leadership. This is a highlight in the work of mission integration at SCS because it brings together a faculty and staff committee to more deeply reflect on our Jesuit values and how the award nominees have made Georgetown’s mission a part of who they are and who they have become as a result of their SCS education.

This year’s award went to Jocelyn Law-Yone, or Chef JoJo, who is a 2018 graduate of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies. Chef JoJo emigrated to the United States from Burma in 1970 and has made her life about welcoming others by bringing people together over food, friendship, and hospitality. After two decades of teaching English and AP Art History, she opened a Burmese restaurant in Washington, D.C., and has won top awards in the restaurant industry. More than serving food, JoJo’s restaurant Thamee has gained attention for its intentional commitments to racial and social justice. You can read more about her work in these articles in The Washington Post, Zagat, and DC Eater.

Tropaia ends with the Spirit of Georgetown award. This year’s recipient, Jocelyn Law-Yone, is a 2018 SCS graduate who brings people together through her gifts for food, hospitality, and justice.

Former Jesuit Superior General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach once said that “the real measure of our Jesuit universities lies in who our students become.” Given that so many of our SCS students are adult learners well into their personal and professional lives, I would slightly amend this criterion to “who our students are becoming” because all of us, especially adults, are always engaged in dynamic processes of ongoing growth and development. This year’s Tropaia highlighted the many ways that SCS students, faculty, and staff are contributing their gifts to realize personal and social transformation needed to meet the demands of today.

The Examen: A Response to Languishing

Early in the pandemic, Mission in Motion published a post about a widely read article in the Harvard Business Review entitled, “That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief.” That piece provided a common vocabulary early in the shared experience of lockdown and identified the need to acknowledge and name our emotions in order to avoid becoming overcome by them. In response to that article, I offered the Ignatian practice of the Examen as a way of getting in touch with our temporary emotions and reflecting on how we might face the challenges of each uncertain day early in the pandemic. More than a year into COVID-19, another widely circulated article has provided an opportunity to explore the Examen as a possible response to a somewhat newly articulated concept of “languishing.” 

In this week’s Mission in Motion, we explore the concept of “languishing” and how the Examen practice can encourage flow experiences as an antidote. Photo from 2019 SCS Faculty and Staff Retreat at Georgetown’s Calcagnini Contemplative Center 

Adam Grant in the New York Times recently published “There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing” about the phenomenon of languishing, which falls on the mental health spectrum between depression and flourishing. Depression, on the one hand, Grant calls “the valley of ill-being: You feel despondent, drained, and worthless,” and flourishing, on the other hand, Grant calls “the peak of well-being: You have a strong sense of meaning, mastery, and mattering to others.” Languishing, a term first articulated by the sociologist Corey Keyes, falls somewhere in between and receives less attention in mental health literature and it refers to the absence of well-being: 

“Languishing is the neglected middle child of mental health: It’s the void between depression and flourishing – the absence of well-being. You don’t have symptoms of mental illness, but you’re not the picture of mental health either. You’re not functioning at full capacity. Languishing dulls your motivation, disrupts your ability to focus, and triples the odds that you’ll cut back on work. It appears to be more common than major depression – and in some ways it may be a bigger risk factor for mental illness.”

Some of the hallmarks of languishing, which has been exacerbated by the pandemic, include constant distractibility, an inability to focus, and feeling let down by regular experiences that may have once delighted you, like an afternoon walk. And, Grants says, you may not seek help or even try to help yourself because you do not realize that you are suffering. So what, if anything, can be done in response to this common and shared experience of languishing? 

The antidote to languishing offered by Grant is the concept of “flow,” a term from the school of positive psychology that means an “elusive state of absorption in a meaningful challenge or a momentary bond, where your sense of time, place and self melts away.” Mindful that many barriers exist to flow experiences because of the demands of work, childcare, and other obligations, Grant outlines a few suggestions for entering into periods of flow, like giving yourself some uninterrupted time each day, focusing on small goals with a “just-manageable difficulty,” and carving out time to focus on a challenge that matters most to you. 

The notion of flow as an antidote to languishing has a clear and relevant link to Ignatian spirituality and the practice of the Examen. In his article “Towards an Ignatian Spirituality of Study” in Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits,  the Jesuit Nicholas Austin makes an explicit connection between the Ignatian idea of consolation and the flow concept: 

“I would claim that there is indeed an ‘affinity’ between flow and consolation. Most of the essential elements of flow equally characterize experiences of consolation: the sense of effortlessness yet full engagement, a loss of any anxiety or preoccupations, self-forgetfulness during the experience, growth in a sense of self following the experience, a concentrated attentiveness and so on.” 

Austin goes on to note that the compatibility between these two ideas is not a perfect match since flow experiences do not necessarily relate to God but Austin concludes that Ignatian spirituality, and the practice of the Examen, welcomes the relationship. Any time an individual increases their awareness of their flow experiences, a possibility arises of noticing at a deeper level, either explicitly or implicitly, the work of the Spirit in one’s life. 

Interested in exploring the Examen as a possible response to feelings of languishing that you’ve experienced? Here are two suggestions: 

  • Please consider participating in the SCS Daily Digital Meditation offered Monday through Friday at 12:00 p.m. ET over Zoom (click here to participate). The final meditation of each week, on Friday, is a guided Examen for 10-15 minutes inviting participants in silence to review their experiences of the past week. Please join us! 

2021 Hoya Professional 30 Highlights SCS Students Living Out Jesuit Values

This year’s winners of the SCS Hoya Professional 30 reflect on how the Jesuit value of being “People for Others” has shaped their Georgetown experience and their professional lives.

Since its inception in 2015, the Hoya Professional 30 has become a celebrated and much-anticipated annual milestone in the life of SCS. The awards are given to 30 students at the School, representing a diversity of programs, professional experience, and future ambitions. In addition to the well-deserved recognition for some exemplary students, this process is an important mission opportunity to promote the Spirit of Georgetown, the characteristics and values of the Jesuit tradition that animate our work and study at SCS.

Which Jesuit value resonates most with you and why?

By asking each award winner to answer this question in their own words, the Hoya Professional 30 provides concrete examples of the Jesuit values in action. I feel pride each year listening to how these students express the many ways that they have interiorized Jesuit mission and values through their Georgetown SCS education and then put them into action as part of their professional development. The entire support network at SCS of faculty, staff, and community partners should share in this pride because the education we deliver at SCS is a shared project.

This year’s awardees reflected in a focused way on how much the social justice challenges facing our university, communities, and world inspires their way of proceeding. Karensa Thomas, for example, a student in the Master of Professional Studies in Cybersecurity Risk Management program, is motivated by the value of Community in Diversity:

“I believe in ‘Community in Diversity.’ Exemplifying support for diversity, trust, and equal rights during these unprecedented times is critical for rebuilding and healing our nation. As a trusted leader at Georgetown University and in the community, church, and the United States Armed Forces, I will continue to create diverse teams founded upon honor, inclusion, and trust.”

Morgan Payne, a master of professional studies student in the Integrated Marketing Communications program, picks up on this value as well as others, like People for Others and Faith that Does Justice:

“While much of my work promotes the need for diversity and undisputed benefits of unique representation, it is impossible to ignore the need for us to be ‘People for Others’ and be accepting and supporting of each other. Also with this, of course, comes the need for faith and justice. As a Black woman working in social and racial justice in a time of civil unrest, these values are at the forefront of everything that I do. When developing communications, marketing and strategy for clients, these values often serve as a north star for where we all should be looking to evolve towards as we chart the path to a better future.”

This week’s virtual recognition ceremony was an opportunity to learn more about the awardees. You can watch a recording here

The many inspiring examples of their public leadership and the ways that a Georgetown education has inspired the professional journeys of these students calls to mind the critical importance of action in the paradigm of Jesuit teaching style known as Ignatian Pedagogy. The Jesuit educational tradition at Georgetown, which arises from Jesuit spirituality, is always oriented to making discerned choices about how to serve justice and the common good in one’s unique circumstances. The stage of “action” in the Jesuit learning cycle, which follows the stage of reflection, is meant to inspire generous responses to a world in need: “It is hoped that real education will lead the student to take actions, large and small, to make the world a better place for all, and particularly those most in need.” This year’s awardees are already making the world a better place.

You can watch the SCS virtual award recognition here

You can read more about each of the 2021 awardees here